Writing on building startups, software development, and the marketing industry.

All of my long-form thoughts on startups, leadership, product management, software programming, design, marketing, and more.

Team Purpose: Guiding the Way

How to lead a team purpose exercise to help your team align on why you do what you do.

Building in Public: The Future of Startups

The future of startups is all about transparency and customer engagement. If you're not "building in public," you're getting left behind.

Approaching Sales as an Engineer

One key aspect many engineers-turned-CEOs often overlook is the need to sell your product. This is some of the advice I have for approaching founder-led sales as someone with an engineering background.

5 Design Principles to Keep in Mind

Some of my thoughts on UI design and a few key principles I have found the most useful as a good starting point.

Hello World!

I’ve been thinking about opening up a blog for a while and decided it was finally time to do so. I’ll be talking about a variety of topics from code hacks, my experiences as a college entrepreneur, and anything else that captures my interest.